Wednesday, 7 October 2015

Puglian Paradise

Just beginning to feel better after the longest and most horrible virus infection..
So back to the keyboard but with lots of pictures!!!
 This is our trullo down in Puglia. You can just see me in the garage..for that is what the funny little bit on the end is supposed to be. We haven't been for a visit for around three years..if truth be told we haven't had any kind of a break for three years. Some times work just won't let you
 Me labouring in 2008

These two saints are inside our gatepost! St Damiano and St Cosimo patron saints of Puglia
Looking up into the stone dome of one of the cones..we have just started lime mortaring the joints..after sand blasting the old layers of earth plaster off.

This is where a little basin will sit with its own little window

 Our olive trees..we have around 200 some are ancient and so beautiful.

 When we can we cut off the suckers all around the base..they haven't been properly pruned for ages.
A stormy Puglian sky behind one of the cones.Sadly the weather can turn cold during the winter months.

You can see how this tree is in desperate need of a haircut. They are pruned to make them like an open box so that the sunshine gets right inside. This one is next to a mispora tree and in the foreground there is a pomegranate bush.

Orchids and wild flowers are in abundance.

 In the spring you can see such a wealth of wild flowers..beautiful.

Thursday, 30 July 2015

A July morning walk in the woods

 Our house is a way over there in the distance.  In the gently hilly background is Harting Down set in the middle of the 100 or so miles long track known as The South Downs Way. A basic tarmacadam track lined with hazel trees and wild garlic takes you to our front door and the big house as we call it further down the hill along what is known as The Borders Path and then it's just forest and wonderful walks. We used to get deer poachers sometimes at night but not for a long time now. Instead we are plagued once or perhaps twice a year by Raves kicking off in the woods..the thump thump of the music they generate keeps us awake all night ..but it doesn't happen often...
Fields of golden barley waiting to be cut.

We took the dogs out this morning for a walk in the was sheer magic. The only sound, the wind in the tree tops and birdsong. It's still July but we had a massive rain storm yesterday so for the first time in ages we put our coats on.

 So tranquil and pretty. How lucky we are to have such treasure on our doorstep.
Moss growing on the tree trunks.

I should have turned the flash off as it makes it look rather disco.

Suddenly a Buddleia tree or Butterfly Bush in full flower. Not a normal woodland plant although our garden is full of them and they do tend to grown like weeds so maybe I'm mistaken. So many butterflies dipped and dived around us as we walked.

Clouds of red admiral butterflies flit from bloom to bloom although my camera 
doesn't seem to have caught any.

Wild flowers and dripping trees everywhere. The dogs have all scooted off into the long grass and up the steep hill to the right. More often than not we see deer galloping through here.

I stop and stand just marvelling at how beautiful it all is.

 How lovely...wild raspberries grow along the path.

Earlier in the year these Lords and Ladies berries..poisonous of course look very different! They look rather like slender pale green ladies dressed for a day at the races in huge elegant hats that could have been designed for My Fair Lady .The plant's fascinating shape and form has inspired a wide variety of names:
  • Jack-in-the-pulpit
  • Soldier-in-a-sentry-box
  • Bloody man's finger
  •  'Kitty-come-down-the-lane-jump-up-and-kiss-me' (an old Kentish name).
Perhaps not surprisingly, many have rather bawdy associations.

The Hemp Agrimony, Eupatorium Cannabinum, belongs to the great Composite order of plants. It is a very handsome, tall-growing perennial, common on the banks of rivers, sides of ditches, at the base of cliffs on the seashore, and in other damp places in most parts of Britain, and throughout Europe.Although oddly it's not really damp where this grows and seems to be own garden is full of it.
A sadly out of focus Large Cabbage White probably flown in from snacking on 
local brassica crops for the cows. 
Here enjoying a sip at a thistle flower.

Pretty Spotted St John's Wort with it's many medicinal uses grows in patches of sunlight.

Not sure what this pretty little one is called.

An architectural fern under the shade of the trees.

Seed pods getting ready to pop.

|Russian comfrey. This used to be used in ancient days to help mend broken bones.
.also called Knit Bone.

More comfrey.

I wonder if this is a kind of twirls and twists its tendrils all through the undergrowth.

Rose Bay Willow Herb and my dear old friend the Nettle.

Perennial sweet peas..wild and tangled and sadly without a scent.

Honesty seed pods before they turn silver..asking to be Christmas decorations.

I'm useless at taking daughters say to hold the camera so it's slightly looking down on you but I can never get it right...hey ho!!

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Our Simple Homestead Blog Hop #10