This is the little apple tree that rose like Lazarus, after being buried by the digger for a couple of months...the pies from next years apples will be so sweet. It could be argued that the plants surrounding it are weeds but I like to see them as adoring flowers of the wilderness..In the light of democracy and reformation a few thugs..hog weed and dock..have been allowed to set up residence. A close eye is being kept on them to ensure they behave. Any sign of out right thuggery and asbos will be issued with a spade.

Chooks quite like the additions..especially when I lob a few milky thistles over the wire.

I must look this tiny fungi up..it is pale and slender and has found a way to grow on the driest of soil.

Poppies marking what was a war zone after the retreat of the digger.

Such a variety of little gems..the cover is still patchy and thin but I have great hopes for next yea